Trade shows and conferences are surreal environments of compressed time and space. Potential customers, whose lifetime value could mean millions to your business, are walking right past you. In Three Feet from Seven Figures: One-on-One Engagement Techniques to Qualify More Leads at Trade Shows you'll learn what it takes to stop those people, engage with them, and quickly qualify them. You'll also discover what it takes to motivate your employees to work hard every minute the trade show floor is open. It costs a fortune to attend a trade show. With all the sponsorship, preparation, and travel fees involved, companies spend as much as $5,000 to $35,000 an hour to exhibit on a trade show floor. Still, with all that preparation and money, very few companies take the time to determine how they're going to interact with complete strangers. With so much riding on person-to-person selling, especially at trade shows, can your business afford not to learn the techniques in Three Feet from Seven Figures?