Kudos for Black Books Galore! Guide to Great African AmericanChildren s Books
"Offers a wonderful overview of literature with black children inits focus." Jim Trelease, author, The Read-Aloud Handbook
"The perfect tool for parents and educators alike." BlackEnterprise magazine
"This is a great resource that fills a tremendous need. It shouldbe on parents shelves at home as well as in every school." Alvin F.Poussaint, M.D., Harvard Medical School
Black Books Galore! the nation s leading organizer of AfricanAmerican children s book festivals enriches the world of readingfor kids of every age. Find out what s new, acclaimed, andempowering in this up-to-the-minute guide.
Black Books Galore! Guide to More Great African American Children sBooks includes the latest reviews along with other exciting newmaterials. This easy-to-use, illustrated reference guide featuresthe best-written, most positive books starring African Americans, including:
* Quick and lively descriptions of over 400 titles, plus 200additional recommendations
* A calendar of great books to match the holidays and seasons
* Age-specific guidelines for encouraging your young readers frombabies to sixth graders
* Comprehensive indexes by title, topic, author, andillustrator
* Profiles and reflections of selected authors andillustrators
* Listings of award winners and Reading Rainbow Books