"Afraid to ride? Get a bombproof horse." This advice did not work for me! I'd ridden and even trained horses for many years - and slowly an unreasonable fear entered my life and kept me out of the saddle. I was afraid.Books always have answers! I headed for the library and found many excellent books dealing with equine fear - but what about human fear?People who have never felt fear have a difficult time understanding fear. Riding instructors are usually not plagued with fear - they must guess what fear feels and how to deal with the problem. I was determined to solve the problem of fear myself - and record the process. While my fear affected my horse, fear was my problem, not my horses' problem.My horse, Truly, was bombproof - and doing her best to deal with her fearful human. Clearly, I had to figure out how to bombproof myself - so my horse and I could both enjoy riding.And I did!I learned what doesn't work - and most importantly, what DOES work!I'm a bombproofed human - back in the saddle! You can be too!